Our field

The Land

Peru is divided into four regions: the mountains, the desert, the jungle, and the coast. This division create a magnificently diverse landscape. The most recognizable landmark in Peru is Machu Picchu. The capital city is Lima, a desert area located near the coast. In July (when our team will visit), it will be winter. However, it’s a mild winter with the temperature ranging between the 60s to the low 70s with some rainfall.


The People

The Peruvian people are hospitable. Their culture is strongly influenced by the native Incan culture. Other immigrant influences, such as Spanish settlers, have blended to create a truly unique culture.


The Mission

The 2020 YOM mission team will be serving in Cusco, Peru—a place of rich history and delicious food. Cusco is the location of one of the Seven Wonders of the World—Machu Picchu, However, though Cusco has a beautiful history and many majestic views of God’s creation, the people are in need of Christ. Cusco’s main religion is Catholicism, but they also have cultural religious beliefs. There is a great need for the Peruvians to hear the gospel and know the love of the Savior.

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For Team Peru (Medical)