our 2018 hosts

Pastor Alexandro Barzola
The Barzolas recently finished the third floor of their home in Lima with several rooms with bunkbeds and a new bathroom for the purpose of housing missions groups. They fed us breakfast, lunch, and dinner almost every day and worked to make sure the team felt at home. Mrs. Barzola even did some laundry for some of the team when a suitcase was lost. You could not find a more loving and hospitable family. They truly have a heart for others.

On one of the days, we had the opportunity to hold a village clinic in one of the desert villages. In that village, we worked with American missionaries Kris and Rose Marie Blumer, who have been working to establish a church. They had never had a clinic there before and were able to make new contacts through this outreach. Lord willing, they will be able to continue that work.

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